Fast Pay

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Fast Pay Setup

To make payments Fast Pay uses the API for either PayPal or Stripe.

PayPal Payment’s

  1. The PayPal API details are based on the ones entered for Fast Member Smart Button integration. The video below outlines how to create an App with the PayPal developer console and where to add the relevant API keys into the Fast Flow settings panel.

Once the API keys are added Fast Pay is setup to make payments using PayPal.

Stripe Payments

To setup Stripe payments you need to add in your Stripe Connect client ID’s into the Fast Pay settings panel in the Fast Flow dashboard.

You can grab your client ID’s from within the Stripe dashboard once you have activate Stripe Connect.

Connecting A Partner Account To Stripe Connect

Once you have connected your site to the Stripe Connect API you can then create a page for partners or affiliates to connect their own Stripe account to your site.

Payee And Affiliate Area Setup

Once PayPal or Stripe integration is set up, the payee and affiliate shortcodes should be added to a relevant page on your site.

PayPal Payouts

This is the shortcode for the payee payment PayPal email form


This is the shortcode for the affiliate payment PayPal email form


Stripe Payouts

This is the shortcode for the Stripe Connect payee payment button


This is the shortcode for the Stripe Connect affiliate payment button


Payouts Table

A table of pending and paid payouts can be displayed on any page using the following shortcode. This works for both payees and affiliates.

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