Fast Stripe

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Fast Stripe Setup & Overview

Fast Stripe lets you take credit card payments for your Fast Member products through the Stripe payment platform.

You can take payments for single products, subscriptions and plans with both free and paid trials.

Setup is quick and easy. There is no need to add any products in Stripe as they are created automatically by Fast Member.

Here is how to set up Fast Stripe in 2 Simple Steps

Step 1 – API Details

First you need to add your API details to the Fast Stripe plugin. 1. Copy your Stripe API details from Stripe into Fast Stripe.You will find on the API keys menu located under Developers. It is recommended to copy both the live and test data so you can first test your site before you go live.
2. Also copy the webhook from the Fast Stripe settings into the Webhooks area of the Developer section. Choose Add endpoint and paste in the Fast Stripe webhook url leaving all events types to be sent.

Once you have both the API details and the webhook set you are ready to test your Stripe payments setup. Leave the Fast stripe settings in test mode and go to a page where you have added a Stripe payment form or button.

Step 2 – Adding Stripe Payment Button

Adding a payment button is super fast. You can use the following shortcodes and add to the WordPress classic editor.

In all cases simply change the product_id="x" between the quotes to be the ID of your particular product.[fast-stripe-sca-form product_id="1" show_paypal_btn=1]

This will add the basic Fast Stripe 2 step form and also enable the PayPal smart button for the product

[fast-stripe-sca-form product_id="1" show_paypal_btn=0]

This will add the basic Fast Stripe 2 step form but also disable the PayPal smart button for the product

[fast-stripe-sca-form product_id="1" next_btn_color=#ff5605 payment_btn_color=#ff5605 payment_btn_text="Get Started Now" terms="Yes! I'm ready to get started and understand I can cancel at any time." show_paypal_btn=1]

This will give you more control over the button colors, the button text and also add a terms checkbox.

You can add or remove the various shortcode elements as needed

Fast Stripe One Click Upsells

Fast Stipe gives you the simplest way to create a one click upsell. Once your customers have purchased their details are securely stored on Stripes server.

By using the embded form it will automatically display as a payment button whenever your customers visit a page with the payment form added and no further setup is needed.

Above the payment button your visitors have an option to either user their saved card details or enter a new card.

User Billing Portal For Self Managed Billing and Cancellations

By adding the following shortcode to a page in your members area you can create a user billing portal which will allow your customers to view any active plans, update or remove their payment details and cancel any subscriptions if they choose.


Stripe Product Cancellations

Updating To The New Fast Stripe SCA Plugin

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