Fast CountDown

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Fast CountDown creates quick and simple countdown timers which are ready to use for your offers.

CountDown Types

  1. For Visitors
    Every time someone lands on the page they’ll be cookied, when they exit the page the timer continues counting down until it gets to zero. If they’ll come back to that page after the countdown they’ll be redirected to the URL or the timer can actually be looped.
  2. To A Date
    When countdown gets to zero it’s just going to redirect the user to a Redirect URL.

How to install the Fast CountDown add-on – For Visitors type

Step 1
Navigate to the FastFlow add-ons, click the Licensed tab. Select Fast CountDown and click Install Now and Activate.

Install Fast CountDown

Step 2
Add New Page using the Classic editor

Step 3
Insert Timer Shortcodes

Fast CountDown Add New Page

Step 4
Select For Visitors as Countdown Type, Duration & End Redirect URL 

Step 5
Click the Insert button. Once added, you can style the text just like you would with any other WordPress based content.

Step 6
Optionally, you can Loop the timer if needed.

Fast CountDown For Visitors

Step 7
Visit the page as non log-in user and the timer will start counting down.The timer continues counting down even after the user exits the page.

Fast CountDown Page

If the user revisits the page after the countdown they’ll be redirected to the URL or the timer can actually be looped.

How to install the Fast CountDown add-on – To A Date type

Step 1
Navigate to the FastFlow add-ons, click the Licensed tab. Select Fast CountDown and click Install Now and Activate.

Step 2
Add New Page using the Classic editor

Step 3
Insert Timer Shortcodes

Fast CountDown Add New Page 1

Step 4
Select To A Date as Countdown Type

Step 5
Fill up End Time format, End Redirect URL & Select Display Style

Step 6
Click the Insert button. Once added, you can style the text just like you would with any other WordPress based content.

Fast CountDown Date based Page setup

Step 7
Visit the page as non log-in user and the timer will start counting down.

Fast CountDown Date based Page

Once the timer reaches zero and the user revisits the page, they will be redirected to the End Redirect Url.

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