
Auto Responder Integration

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Fast Member provides support for a number of Autoresponder Services.

Every product in Fast Member can have it’s own specific email integration allowing you to use different services for different products.

Fast Member Autoresponder Integrations
Each product offers it’s own unique Autoresponder integration

The following Email Autoresponder services are built in with support for others using FastFlow Add Ons with offer more extensive API integrations

You can view more detailed tutorials for each when clicking on the linked tutorials.

HTML Form Code

There is also support for a HTML form code. The form should include only 2 text fields (name and email) or 1 text field (email). 

Fast Member Autoresponder Custom HTML Form
You can use any HTML form code

Styles/CSS and Javascript are not needed so they will be stripped if there is any in your form code.

Internal Autroresponder System

Alongside the external Autoresponder integrations, when Fast Mailer is installed there is also an option on each product to allow the members to be added to the Fast Mailer Autoresponder and Email Broadcasting

Fast Member Subscribe To Internal Autoresponder
Subscribe to built in Autoresponder

This will give the status of Subscriber for the member in the Members / Affiliates page and will allow them to receive the internal Autoresponder and Broadcast messages which are sent to members of those products.

Fast Member Autoresponder Subscriber Status
Subscriber Status is checked on the Members / Affiliates management page

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Auto Responder Integration

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